Tuesday 23 September 2008

God doesn't play dice...

My life took a trun today, when I was confronted with the fundamental question of: Why do you want to go back to Jordan if you have a better reason to stay here?

After the marathonic discussions of how I have already booked my ticket, and how I have a study to finish, a project to do, (and in my mind; some people to see). I got that solutioned one by one, and I was left with the one question I had to answer>>>Do I really want to stay here for work?

I don't know , my heart is heavy, it was simpler when I had these small plans the duration of which would be 2-3 weeks, an exhcnage somewhere, a seminar, an activity...5 long years of university. Stability never worked well for me , I always wanted to be everywhere at the same time. And now this, I always wanted it , I always wanted this chance...And I ideally have it , all details worked out ... But my heart is heavy and I don't know why...

Leave you with some photos...Will leave me with Nassam Alayna Al Hawa meanwhile...

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