Sunday 31 August 2008

Queda Prohibido

Queda prohibido llorar sin aprender, levantarte un día sin saber qué hacer, tener miedo a tus recuerdos... Queda prohibido no sonreír a los problemas, no luchar por lo que quieres, abandonarlo todo por miedo, no convertir en realidad tus sueños... Queda prohibido no demostrar tu amor, hacer que alguien pague tus dudas y mal humor... Queda prohibido dejar a tus amigos, no intentar comprender lo que vivieron juntos, llamarles sólo cuando los necesitas... Queda prohibido no ser tú ante la gente, fingir ante las personas que no te importan, hacerte el gracioso con tal de que te recuerden, olvidar a toda la gente que te quiere... Queda prohibido no hacer las cosas por ti mismo, no creer en Dios y hacer tu destino, tener miedo a la vida y a sus compromisos, no vivir cada día como si fuera un último suspiro... Queda prohibido echar a alguien de menos sin alegrarte, olvidar sus ojos, su risa, todo porque sus caminos han dejado de abrazarse, olvidar su pasado y pagarlo con su presente... Queda prohibido no intentar comprender a las personas, pensar que sus vidas valen más que la tuya, no saber que cada uno tiene su camino y su dicha... Queda prohibido no crear tu historia, dejar de dar las gracias a Dios por tu vida, no tener un momento para la gente que te necesita, no comprender que lo que la vida te da, también te lo quita... Queda prohibido no buscar tu felicidad, no vivir tu vida con una actitud positiva, no pensar en que podemos ser mejores, no sentir que sin ti este mundo no sería igual...

It is forbidden...

It is forbiden to cry without learning,
to wake up one day not knowing what to do,
to be afraid of your memories.

It is forbiden not to smile at problems,
not to fight for what you want,
to abandon everything because of the fear,
not to transform your deams into reality.

It is forbiden not to show your love,
to make someone pay for your debts and the bad humor.

It is forbiden to leave your friends,
not to try to understand what you lived together,

It is forbiden not to be yourself in public,
to feign with people you don't care about,
to fake being funny just to make them remember you,
to forget all the people who love you.

It is forbiden not to make things by yourself,
not to believe in God and forge your fate,
to be afraid of life and its engagements,
not to live each day like it was a last sigh.

It is forbiden to miss someone without
cheering, to forget his eyes, his smile,
just because your paths stopped being embraced,
to forget his past and paying it with his present.

It is forbiden not to try to understand people,
to think that their lifes are more valuable than yours,
not to know that each one has his way and his happiness.

It is forbiden not to create your history,
not to have a moment for the people who need you,
ot to understand that whatever life gives to you, it takes it away as well.

It is forbiden not to search for your happiness,
not to live your life with a positive attitude,
not to think that we can be better,
not to feel that, without you, this world wouldn't be the same.

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